December 25, 1997 (Mary)

My dear children,

Peace and joy I bring to you this day as I the Mother of Divine Love hold God's precious gift to you close to My Heart. He is the Holy One ---- God, yet man, who comes to rescue His people from eternal darkness and suffering. He brings the light of hope from which springs forth joy and peace to comfort and heal his people. Dear children, my heart which is so full of joy continually rejoices in the greatness of God's love and mercy. Strive, dear ones, to be people of peace, humility, and forgiveness for then you draw closer to the unity of holiness for which you were created. Each new day will bring trials of various degrees ---- embrace each one for love of Jesus as your sorrows will be turned into joy. Do not seek to avoid sacrifices nor compromise your integrity for by focusing always on Jesus you will obtain His Divine Mercy and draw strength to persevere to journeys end. Hold tightly to these special moments as they are the gentle breeze before the approaching storm. Rejoice as you are greatly loved.

Peace, dear children!

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.